Wednesday, June 9, 2021

6/9/21 - Another day in Savannah

We slept in this morning until about 7am. The free breakfast at this hotel was MUCH better than at the previous one we were at in Darien and actually had eggs, bacon and other good stuff. Renee had reserved for us to go on a 90 minute dog walking history tour of downtown Savannah at 9am so after breakfast we headed that way. We were part of a group of ten people with a total of seven dogs. The tour guide, Eric, did a great job with the tour and had much knowledge of the sites to share wiht the group. Riva and all of the dogs did great together after a 5 minute greet and sniff session. We were not encouraged to sniff the other owners....I just don't understand! Hearing about the history of the architecture, the city layout and the important figures that were memorialized in the town squares was interesting and engaging. We now have a much broader knowledge of the city and the beginnings of Georgia. 

Dogs and their masters on a tour of Savannah

Riva moistening her pallet

Our tour guide, Eric, and his dog Abbey

It was interesting hearing the stories and history behind many of the statues found in the city squares

Riva was thirsty after the end of our 1.5 hour tour

After the tour we grabbed an iced coffee at a shop across the street from the Basilica of St John because we wanted to be able to see the interior of the cathedral.   We could not go in yesterday because mass was in service.   We were sitting enjoying our iced coffee and were going to go into the cathedral one at a time while the other one of us stayed with Riva.   Unfortunately, by the time we were ready for one of us to go in a mass had again started...ugh.   Our parking meter was going to be running out so we decided not to wait to go inside after the mass.   

We headed back to the hotel where we spent the remainder of the afternoon relaxing, napping and generally being lazy.   It was a good time for this since thunderstorms had moved into the area.  

Well rested, we left Riva at the hotel and headed out for dinner at the Olive Garden utilizing a gift card that we have had for a while.   We really enjoy dining at local places when traveling but our budget and the gift card dictated otherwise tonight.   Olive Garden is always a win in our books though and we enjoyed the endless soup/salad/breadsticks dinner.   

From Dinner in Savannah we headed out to Tybee Island.   We were guided by a friend of ours to go out there on Wednesday evening for an AA meeting on the beach.   We have been to these in other coastal locations and enjoyed them a lot.   Unfortunately, the rainy day persisted and although the worst of the storms had moved offshore there was still some sprinkles lingering and the AA group decided to meetin inside.   Nonetheless, it was was a small but good meeting with another out of town vacationer and also a guy who showed up for his first ever meeting.   By the time the meeting was over the sun had set and it was getting dark but the rain had completely stopped.  We went down the street to the beach and went for a very short walk on the beach to at least get a bit of ocean feel in our day :-)   Back at the hotel we gave Riva some more excercise by playing with her and worked on this blog before retiring for the night.  

We were a little late getting to the beach for sunset

We are planning to leave this hotel tomorrow morning and head back to Darien to check in at the boat yard with the owner and mehcanics to 'encourage' them to check on the new shaft readiness and hopefully spur along movement toward getting Aquaholic back into the water.    We are thinking of staying aboard tomorrow night in order to a) save some money and b) be a presence at the boatyard to 'encourage' them to get us out of there :-)    It is predicted to be 92 degrees tomorrow, so, we will see how that goes being in the biting fly infested yard in that kind of heat all day.    


  1. Hey Erik! Do you remember going to Tybee Island as a kid? It was the place we found tons of really cool shells, lots of sand dollars, starfish & even a seahorse! I understand there are two parts to the island. It might be worth checking into (Dad or Marge) though. Anyway, good luck getting the aquaholic back in the water. Sounds like it’s been an interesting (and expensive) trip so far. I know you’ll the best you can! ♥️ you!

  2. That was supposed to read “I know you’ll ENJOY the best you can!”
