Friday, June 18, 2021

6/17/21- Hey honey….let’s buy a boat!

We had communicated early this morning with Larry, the owner of the boat we were scheduled to look at today, and arranged to meet him at the marina an hour earlier than originally planned.   After an hour or so of Renee working on math homework and Erik ATTEMPTING to catch up on our blog (frustratingly since his laptop that was being finicky now has taken a complete dump) we headed to the marina.  

Entering into the marina grounds we both already were excited and had grins on our faces.  This area of our cruising (Tennessee River and specifically Lake Telico) was probably our favorite area and holds many fond memories.  

Some irony/humor for the day was that the vessel we were there to look at is named ‘Wine Time’ with a graphic of two wine glasses beside the name…   No fears though….the name could be changed as necessary!   

on the water

'Wine Time' lol 

‘Wine Time’ was not in quite the pristine cosmetic condition that the boat we looked at yesterday was.   However, for its age and what we are looking for it was very nice.   It had a very recently installed radar and chart plotter system, a much larger fridge/freezer and a full enclosure on the fly bridge.  The exterior paint job was in surprisingly good condition as well.  The engines and generator started right up with a tap of the ignitions and seemed to check out well visually.  Erik could tell by Renee’s demeanor that for the asking price (significantly less than the one we looked at the day before and very fair based on all that we’ve looked at) this was likely going to be our new floating home away from home.  After some brief discussion a full asking price offer was made and accepted.  We wrote Larry an earnest/holding check and spoke about making arrangements for the final transaction within 3-4 weeks.
WooHoo....we will be cruising again comfortably again soon :-)  

Several short video tours of 'Wine Time'....soon to be renamed! 

We left Ft Loudon Marina both still grinning from ear to ear happy with our decision!  We spent a good portion of our remaining drive back to Columbus talking details and making plans for our upcoming adventures aboard.  

Riva continues to REALLY struggle with this traveling

"maybe I'll try sleeping over here while momma drives"

New boat naming ceremony will be soon to come!  

Stay tuned or the next installment of ‘Aquaholics (….’INSERT NEW NAME’) Great Loop Adventures' !   Until then here’s wishing all our friends fair winds and following seas! 



  2. Wow! What a trip; glad you are flexible. Now I understand why nothing seems to “send you off the deep end” at work. Thanks for sharing your adventure, it has been most interesting and entertaining.

  3. Congrats on the new boat! Tumbleweed wishes you safe and happy travels.
