Tuesday, June 1, 2021

6/1/21 - layover in Brunswick Ga

Not a very exciting day to write about.   We did a lot of relaxing.   Renee did a lot of school work and we did several small boat projects.   

We did speak with the staff in the service yard here and they have us in the schedule to pull the boat tomorrow at 3pm.    We also did meet with and talk to a diver, Mike, who says for $75 he can dive tomm early afternoon and determine the extend of the damage.   If it is only prop damage he can replace the prop/s with our spare set for $200 per prop.    Until tomorrow we will wait and hope for the best outcome!   

Aside from that we also did get two milk crates securely fastened to then rear racks of our bicycles so that we can carry more goods when necessary.    

We also did go out to eat for dinner at ‘Fat & Fine Crab Shack’ which was only a few blocks from the marina and got VERY good reviews online.   The reviews proved to be accurate.  Both the low country boil that Erik got and the dry rub/lemon pepper wings that Renee got were delicious and the portions were HUGE.   We have plenty of leftovers for lunch tomm.

Only a couple obligatory sunset picture to include today.