Saturday, June 5, 2021

6/5/21 - St Simon Island to Darien GA (Two Way Fish Camp)

It was another lovely morning at Morningstar marina at St Simon Island.   When we had gone to sleep last night the rollers were coming in fairly large again rocking us to sleep.   However, over night the winds had died down and the water was now very calm.  The usual cup of joe on the deck accompanied another rising of the sun....what will today bring?  

Another sunrise from St Simons

We drove in towards downtown to attend the 7am meeting at 'The Tabby House' the local AA clubhouse.  It was a fairly small meeting with about a dozen folks but a good way to start the day.  

'The Tabby House' token given to out of town guests

Back at the marina, we had reserved their courtesy car for 9am and had planned to have Renee follow Erik to Two Way Fish Camp in Darien (about 18 miles by road) where we would drop off the loaner vehicle from our newfound AGLCA friend.   As soon as we returned back to the marina we finished preps for shoving off.  We left the dock a few minutes after 10am and started our slow, winding cruise through the intracoastal waterway channels.   We cruised on the port engine only, except when leaving the dock and entering into the destination marina.   The tide was going out and in this area of the waterways it is a very large variance (6'-8' rise/fall) creating quite a current that we were cruising against.   These two things combined had us moving along at a whopping 8 mph most of the trip.  Around many bends in the marshy landscape we cruised as the heat and humidity rose and the biting flies started converging on us.  ugh!  

Folks refer to these as 'flies'
Erik prefers to call them 'little bastards'

It was a pretty boring trip with us paying very close attention to a combination of Navionics 'automatic' tracks as well as a new set of tracks that Renee had downloaded last night from a boater (Bob423) that everyone swears by as being the best....Bob did a good job of keeping us from running aground again!  

Our Navionics route today based on Bob423 tracks....Thanks Bob!

We arrived at our destination for the day at 12:30pm.  This place definitely lives up to its name as a 'fish camp'.  Pretty sparse and certainly nothing like the last few marinas we have been at; rough docks, shady electric and some hooptie boats.  No free beer either!  ;-)  They do have a very highly rated restaurant, 'Mudcat Charlies', that we will for sure be trying out at some point while we are here for at least several days.   Walking around the grounds of the restaurant, marina and repair yard while letting Riva do her business it became obvious that we were away form the coast and in true low county now...the flies were whispering this in our ears and making us very aware of it.  Beneath the outside dining deck of the restaurant we spotted the alligator who is a quasi mascot of the place, actually a couple of them.  

Riva faced gator 

real gator under restaurant deck
Renee decided to NOT take a dip to cool off after seeing this! 

After investigating the grounds and having a friendly chat with a family visiting from Pittsburgh we retreated from the heat and insects to the cool A/C of the boat.   The remainder of the afternoon was spent relaxing while working on blogs, trying to figure out how to make videos imbedded in the blogs work (errrr) and doing some planning.  

An early dinner (for us at least while we are aboard....we always seem to end up eating at 8pm or after) was followed by more work on this blog, more planning and catching up on a few work things.  Before the sun sets, we are likely going to take Riva up and also get ourselves showered up so that we do not have to leave the boat and risk getting eaten by the swamp bugs!     

Tomorrow we are thinking that we will likely take the loaner vehicle we have and head into Savannah which is about 60 miles away by car.  We are looking forward to seeing that historic and beautiful city.  


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