Tuesday, June 8, 2021

6/6/21 - Touring Savannah and showing Aquaholic

Since we are here at Two Way Fish Camp at least until tomorrow morning when we hopefully will get pulled out to have the shaft and running gear inspected we have slowed our roll (or in this case cruise).  We slept in a bit and relaxed aboard enjoying a big breakfast of omelets, bacon and toast.   Having ground transportation at our disposal now we decided that we would go ahead and use the time to drive to Savannah to tour the historic city.   Our original travel 'plan' had us staying at a marina very close to Savannah for several nights, however, now that we are significantly behind schedule we decided that touring it by car/foot while the boat awaits repairs made the most sense and we will likely cruise right through (or likely stop for one night) when we get back underway.   

At around 11am we headed out from the marina/fish camp marshland to escape the black or yellow flies (depending who you ask) for the downtown river front district.   It was a beautiful Sunday and the streets, shops and restaurants were bustling.   Fortunately for us, on street parking was free on Sunday :-)   We like free!   

Renee and Riva at the top of one of the many historic sets steps down to the riverfront

The cobblestone streets and many buildings and walls with cobblestone.
We learned that Savannah has so much cobblestone because of all the ships that came into port over the centuries that used them as ballast and unloaded them after the ship was loaded with goods

Renee and Riva found the Praline samples!   Ok...maybe Erik did first

Since we are considering moving up to a larger boat we may try and bring this anchor home with us :-)

We have been looking and considering for over a year the possibility of moving up to a 37-41 foot Marinette.   About 6 weeks ago Erik had listed Aquaholic for sale in several places one being Jacksonville Craigslist.    Over the past several weeks we have had interest from a couple of people who had looked at it while it was still stored on the hard at Green Cove Springs but with no serious interest.   Early this morning a lady emailed with interest and while we were just staring our walk through Savannah's historic district Erik decided to call her to inform her that we had now headed north on the ICW and thus the boat was no longer for sale in Fla.   It turned out that the lady is VERY interested in the boat and she actually lives in Beaufort SC where she would want the boat.    We made arrangements with her that she would drive down to Darien Ga at 4pm that afternoon to see the boat.   This shortened our time downtown to allow enough time for us to get back to the marina in time.   It did still allow us several hours to tour some of the historic sites including The Cathedral Basilica of St Johns the Baptist, Colonial Park Cemetery and several beautiful streets with many gorgeous homes.  It had been since Erik was a child since he had been to Savannah and Renee had never been here; we were both very impressed with the city and look forward to touring it some more over the next several days.  

Love reading all of the historical marker signs on all of the structures 
Cathedral Basilica of St Johns the Baptist is a gorgeous church with rich history
I see dead people
Headstones and monuments of all varying kinds all VERY old and interesting to try and read
Savannah was must have had some really good engineers and city planners design its infrastructure
Love the way the streets are designed and how many boulevards and parks there are throughout
Cooling down from our walk in the shade of the oaks by a fountain

Back at Two Way Fish Camp just before 4pm Jennifer (the lady interested in purchasing the boat) and her two sons were down on the dock waiting for us when we arrived.   We spent the next hour or so showing them the boat.   She insists that she absolutely wants to purchase it and was eager to put down earnest money for us to hold it for her.  For several reasons, the main one being that we are not certain what the issue is with the vibration and/or when it will be repaired, we declined having her put any money down but ensured her that we would not sell the boat to anyone else.   We have made arrangements with her that as soon as the boat it repaired we will plan to continue up the ICW to Beaufort SC (about 120 miles) where we will be able to do what is necessary to complete the transaction and deliver the boat to her.   She has never operated a larger boat before and would not be comfortable getting it up to where she wants it on her own.   So.....IF this sale goes through our cruising plans for this year will change considerably and we could be back to being a one boat family again (only temporarily though!! lol).   We do have our eyes on a couple of other boats that we are interested in and will certainly go to look at soon if everything goes through as planned.  We will see what happens....one day at a time :-) 

We grilled up some burgers for dinner.  We are trying to eat up all/most of the food that we have in the fridge/freezer since we are not certain when the boat gets pulled whether we will have power to keep the fridge cooling for long.   We relaxed and lazed around the boat all evening before retiring early.   

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