Saturday, June 5, 2021

6/4/21 - St Simon GA, Morningstar Marina / Our kinda town

Sunrise at Morning Star marina, St Simon Island

We decided that since the marina in Darien GA (Two Way Fish Camp) cannot pull the boat out until Monday and we enjoyed St Simon so much yesterday that we would stay another night here and not leave for our next stop to HOPEFULLY get service until Saturday.  

We all slept like babies with swells coming into the sound and rocking us gently.   Late last night before going to sleep Erik had sent emails out to the two AGLCA (American Great Loopers Association) 'Harbor Hosts' in the area, one in Brunswick and one in St. Simon, to inquire whether either could possibly help us with transportation to get a rental car since we know now that we may be laid up in Darien for multiple days.  We are thinking maybe we will drive to Savannah and tour it while the boat is out of the water being worked on.   Within a few hours, and in the middle of the night, both had already responded with willingness to help out.   By 6am Tom, the Harbor Host in St Simon started texting Erik's phone for him to call him.   Without any hesitation Tom offered us the use of his Ford Expedition for as long as we needed it!   He was out of state in Pennsylvania but made arrangements for his mother to come to the marina to pick us up and get us to the vehicle.  WOW!  How nice was that?!?!  He even stated that if for any reason we cannot stay on the boat while it is being worked on in Darien we were welcome to stay aboard his 44' Chris Craft Constellation if needed.   Nice folks.   We now have wheels to do whatever we need :-)   

After a little early morning dock walking, morning coffee and another nice sunrise we got our stuff ready to head to the beach.  On the way to the beach we passed by an AA clubhouse where there were several people outside talking.   We stopped in to chat for a few minutes with a few friends of Bills.  They had just finished up with the 7am morning meeting.   We plan to go back the meeting tomorrow morning.  

St Simon East Beach is dog friendly between the hours of 6am-9am and after 6pm.   We were excited to see how Riva would react to the beach and all the new sites, sounds and feels.   It was a beautiful morning and there were many other doggy pals for her to engage with.   The majority of the other dogs are much better mannered than our little pipsqueek; they were allowed off leash to run and roam freely.  We had to keep Riva leashed because she does not have the best of manners....nice to all dogs but a little to high strung.   She frolicked and played in the sand, in the waves and with the other dogs.   We knew she was going to nap hard when we got home!


Riva found many new friends at the beach
this put was maybe even more excited than Riva! 
Riva is thinking of becoming a vegetarian and trying out the seaweed diet

After the 2.8 mile ride home from the beach, which once again Riva did perfectly on in her little basket, we had some late breakfast and chilled around the boat for a while.   Renee finished up her school work and Erik worked on yesterdays blog that we were behind on.   Shortly after the noon hour we left Riva aboard to continue napping and recuperating while we went up and relaxed at the pool for an hour or so.   The water in the pool was surprisingly cool and refreshing given the very hot temperatures.

Pool time

After grilling out an early dinner we drove back into St Simon downtown in our newly acquired loaner car to do some people watching and enjoy the sunset from the pier.   Downtown was again teaming with people; apparently the week after school gets out of session is a very busy time.   It was a fairly cloudy evening, so much so that it made for a pretty unspectacular sunset :-(.   We walked the downtown streets for a while after sunset and polished off the night with ice cream cones....I know, hard to believe with us...right?   lol.   

Even non spectacular sunsets make us smile 



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