Friday, June 29, 2018

6/29/18 - Friday - Wolf Creek ancharge to Tellico Lake and Ft Loudon Marina TN

We awoke to a cloudy, cool morning; no rain in site or forecasted though ๐Ÿ˜›  After a brief stint of fishing and a couple cups of joe we pulled anchor at about 7:30am and headed upriver.
The cruising is nice since the sun was not blazing this morning.  The landscape is average but nothing spectacular.  It has actually turned to a rural farm type setting largely.  At about 11am we made it to Ft Loudon Lock Na Dam which will likely be our last upriver lift....from here forward the remainder of our trip will be downriver (better gas mileage!! ๐Ÿคฉ).   Up the 76’ lift and out onto the Little Tennessee Ruver and Lake Tellico we went.   The landscape began to get much more mountainous and the homes on the one shore of this lake are redonkulous!  They have ourselves asking "where do all of these people get this money?".  The probably just don’t cruise for hundreds of miles and burn up all their savings on gas ๐Ÿ˜‚
As we continued up Lake Tellico 20 miles or so the fort hills of the Smokey Mountains came into view...gorgeous!  Our pics definately will not do it justice.  The water up here is crystal clear and much cooler.   We found a good anchoring spot in a large finger of the lake with a spectacular view and floated there for 4 or 5 hrs.  The sun was hot and the water was perfect!
We then motored back downriver/lake to Ft Loudon Marina.   We are going to stay here two nights because Renee has a proctored online mid term test she has to take Sunday morning and we want to ensure that we are somewhere with good internet access.  Plus we are in need of some re provisioning at the store and this marina has a courtesy car we can use to get there.
We had dinner at a delicious BBQ joint right here at the marina (Calhoun’s) which is a small chain here in Tennessee.  After the late dinner we walked the docks and socialized with a few friendly folks.  One couple informed us that we stopped just short of where we should have gone up to in order to get some even more fabulous views of the Smokies....Will we go back up even further tomorrow???  Hmmmm....
Wow!  15 degrees cooler
Saw these two Marinetes, We aren't the only ones that can't have just one!
Last lock going up the Tennessee, Fort Louden Lock.

Tellico Lake has some cute little homes....๐Ÿ˜ฎ
Love this "little" boat house!  Yes its bigger than our house!
Fort Louden restored or recreated???
Smokey Mountains.  WE learned later that we should have gone up just a little further and we would have been in them!
The water was amazingly clear!
Picture taken through the lense of the binoculars.
Cooling off!
pictures do not do this view justice.

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