Sunday, June 17, 2018

6/16/18 -Saturday Lake BarkleyState Park to Green Turtle Bay

Headed out of Lake Barkley State Park Marina fairly early(about 7:30am) to head back to our starting point this trip.  Pretty uneventful sight seeing cruise up the beautiful Lake. Again saw many birds, mostly cormorants, herons, and osprey, but today we saw a flock of pelicans!!!
Definitely more activity in this area and also likely because it's Saturday.  Arrived at Green Turtle Bay around 10:30am and were greeted by the first "looper" we met when we arrived here last year.  Byron of "Bright Angel" greeted us we caught up a bit. 
We got the air conditioning started up and headed for the showers.  We headed into Benton to Wal-Mart to re-provision.  Grabbed a burger at Wendy's for lunch then came back to the boat and took a nap! 
We went around the bay to visit Byron and Cynthia, who was not feeling well.  Had a nice visit, listened to some looper tales, then headed back to the boat for dinner.  Unfortunately heard later that Cynthia ended up in the hospital! Praying she has a full and speedy recovery!.
Dinner was pork chops and corn on the cob.  Very yummy! Settled in and chilled till bedtime!
One of the many Ospry we have seen in this area

One of many big barges, with the Kentucky State Penitentiary in the background

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