Sunday, June 9, 2019

6/6 - We fixed up the old girls top

The Ohio State University represented here at Bluewater Bay :-)

We had decided previously to spend a second day and night at Bluewater Bay.  It was predicted to be a rainy one again and this would give us to opportunity to relax a little bit more, visit with our new friends, get a few boat chores done, and also for Renee to spend a good portion of the day concentrating on work needing to get done for her masters classes.

Pictures of Renee doing math work would not have been very exciting...
Neither is this pic, but thanks to Lori Lambert for the birthday gift of kitchen dish towels! 

And bath towels 

During one period of clearing and no rain we took the time to put the newly stitched flybridge bimini back on its frame and back onto the boat.   The folks at Legendary Marina did a fine job re stitching it and the old girls top was taunt and whole again!

Aquaholic with her newly stitched upper bimini put back on....She's a happy girl with no more tacky blue clips holding it together

In between some boat chores (checking fluids, trying to find where a small tranny leak is, etc.) Erik managed to slip in two long naps :-)  We were again invited to come over to 'Nearly Perfect' for docktails.  There we met yet another couple preparing to depart for their loop journey.  Swen and Katja aboard 'RYKHER' are a German couple staging there at Bluewater and preparing to depart in October.   After a time of good conversation and stories six of us went over to the Marina restaurant for dinner.   Some more looking at the weather forecast left us undecided as to whether we would depart tomorrow for the Panama City area.  We will just have to see what Mother Nature REALLY has in store in the morning.

The evening was rounded out with a bit of dock walking and then we retired to bed.  All and all a nice relaxing day. 

Moss hangs from most of the trees here at the marina and in the area

Yep....more moss :-)
If you look closely Aquaholic is just behind the moss

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