Wednesday, August 2, 2017

8/2/17 Wednesday - day 18

Well.....we all know boats have issues, right?  We had a couple of them late last night.   The water pump that had a small drip leak in it since last year suddenly had a MUCH larger leak and needed immediate replacement .  Fortunately, we had a brand new pump aboard that we simply had not got around to replacing.  Woke this morning and replaced the pump.  Also got the hot water tank up and going.   Spent some time socializing with our Looper friends on the dock (Byron and Cynthia aboard Bright Angel, and Scott and KC aboard Jet Stream). 
We then spent an hour or so cleaning up the boat and stowing some things away in preparation for Dad and Lori to arrive.   They will be spending the next four days aboard with is exploring the lakes and then give us a lift home.  
After they arrived and we visited for a bit, we shoved off of the dock at GTB and headed down Lake Barkley a small stretch to a cove where we floated and swam for a couple of hours. 
We then grilled out dinner and later went for a walk down to the GTB beach.  We saw a heard of 7 deer that were obviously pretty used to people and stayed within 100ft or so of us.   Toby to break his new Walmart retractable leash be had just gotten yesterday by chasing the deer.  They ran off a bit then stopped and looked back at us as if to say " you are a stupid dog if you think you can catch us". 
Ended the evening with good conversation back on the deck and then bed. Good to see family and have them aboard to share a slice of our experiences! With the company aboard we didn't take pictures today......just a shnrise

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