Tuesday, July 5, 2016

7/4/2016 Monday - Happy 4th! Day 9

Woke early as usual, showered, pancakes for breakfast, and pushed off from Fox Chapel. Great marina and we really enjoyed our stay. Headed for pittsburgh for some more sightseeing before fireworks.  First we tied off to the wall near the point and walked into downtown to find an atm. Sat in the square and listened to a saxophonist.   The point park was setting up for the festivities.  Took a short nap then boated north about a mile to Peggy's marina to gas up for the ride home.  Tied off of our new friends Laura and Chuck near Heinz stadium.  Walked to Carnegie Science Center and toured a decommissioned submarine, the Requin. This was VERY neat! Thank you Laura for the passes!!!  Waited out the rain on the boat for a little while and had dinner, hot dogs with coney sauce. Also enjoyed a taste of Laura's home raised cattle steaks....YUM!!!!
When the rain died down we said goodbye to Chuck and Laura, what great hosts!!!!!  We boated up the Ohio a little bit and anchored just outside of the Rivers Casino.  Enjoyed a really good band "Bon Journey", cover band that played Bon Jovi and Journey.  Watched an amazing fireworks display, sorry no fireworks pictures. A picture just doesn't do justice to fireworks :-)  After the fireworks we headed up the Ohio. Locked through Emsworth to avoid the delays in the morning when they were closing the big lock.  This was the most exciting locking experience we've had yet!  The lock chamber was pretty full.  One of the cruisers got their rope up to the lockmaster and was then dumb enough to tie it to his boat and we think then went down into his restroom (darned beers were running through him I guess).  Well, the water level started to be brought down and the boat was being lifted and majorly tipped from being tied off on the lock wall side!  Everyone was screaming at the lock operators to stop the valves.  In the mean time, the boater came up and cut the rope and the boat came splashing down into the water.....yikes!  Then, when boats started exiting the lock after the doors were open, another boater who was obviously a novice decided to push off from the wall and head for the doors without waiting his turn.  This obviously angered a big house boater on the opposite wall who was next in line and he went ahead also.  They lightly clipped each others boats.  Enough excitement for one night....thankfully,we got a spot at Midway boat club for the night. Great people at Midway, aren't all boaters great people though!?!?! Good nightssleep for the trip home!

'Dragon Boating' appears to be the thing to do if you're older folk in Pitt
HAPPY July 4th friends! 
US Requin, a submarine that was commissioned from 1945-1968.  The tour was very interesting 
Pitt skyline just before forwworks
And another

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