Thursday, June 30, 2016

6/30/2016 Thursday - day 5

Today was uneventful but VERY relaxing.   I started the morning in my usual early riser fashion at 5am.  I thought I'd take the time to finally throw in a fishing line since we were only a few mikes from the Pa. Border and any fishing I do after this will be on the low since I only have an Oh license.   I didn't buy any bait, so on went the hot dogs onto the hook......the fish were biting well and were soon on the hook also :-)   

When my princess awoke from her slumber we spent a couple hours on boat cleaning.   Renee went on a rampage with a bottle of scrubbing bubbles and a scrubby sponge and now has our head looking and smelling like one you might find in a five star (anchor in our case) marina!  I spent time filling the water tank, and gave the grill a good cleaning.  Prior to shoving off for the day we made some toast and eggs for breakfast and went around to chat with a few of the Holiday Yacht Club members who were friendly and great hosts.  One couple even offered us the use of their brand new truck to go up into town for supplies if we needed it.  We did not, but sure appreciated the offer.  Boaters are some friendly folk.....I don't care what you say ;-)

We only traveled about 20 miles and navigated one lock (Montgomery Lock and Dam) today.   This was our first experience in one of the Ohio River locks that don't have the floating ballards to tie to.   So, we got out our 100 ft ropes, and up to the lockmaster they went.   Renee learned a trick from one of the folks at Holiday Yacht Club that proved to be very helpful and effective; we attached the bow line to the side of the boat opposite the lock wall and then the rope went up to the lockmaster and back down to us.  This allows for much better control of the boat while riding up.  

Just a few miles upriver from the lock we came to the Beaver River.  We had read and heard some really good things about the river, its town, and the restaraunts/facilities.   After finding a good transient dock setup by talking to a couple folks, we stayed out in the river for a couple of hours and broke out our net rafts......float and relax!   We then docked, got showers (really nice and clean facilities again) and headed up to the Dockside Bar and Grille for dinner.   We stuffed our bellies till we could hardly walk with chicken parmesian and blackened shrimp tortollini.  It was delish! 

As I sit on the aft deck with a cup of coffee writing this, an OLD houseboat just pulled up in front of us.   The owner says he got it for $2000 this Spring along with a dock he bought and that they just ressurected it and launched it for the first time today.   He says he is putting the name on her tomorrow......"The Dirty Oar" hahaha...classy ;-)  

Another great day on the water! just 25 miles and two locks to Pittsburgh tomorrow. 

More and more barges as we head North. 
Loading up the barges
Coming up on Montgomery Lock and Dam.....only a few more miles to the Pennsylvania line! 
Beautiful sky at Beaver River in front of Dockside grill, at Taylir Cay Marina on the Beaver River

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

6/29/2016 Wednesday - day 4

Wonderful night at Wheeling Yacht Club. Beautiful club with wonderful facilities and very kind and friendly members.  Erik made some delicious breakfast sandwiches and we headed out around 8m.  The third Ohio river lock, Hannibal Lock,  was early and quick.  Not far from the lock we entered the cove where Rayland Marina is located.  The channel and cove were very shallow and we were stirring up mud but did not hit anything or bottom out, YAY!!!  99 gallons of gas and much lighter wallets later we were on the river again.  Docked and walked into Wellsburg. Very neat little town. Saw a huge 200 year old sycamore tree that made the one in our yard look small, a log house from early 1800's, several historical markers, a flower shop, and found a DQ!!!  Caramel funnel cake a la mode is quite yummy :-) Back on the river we saw lots of factories, coal plants, and other industrial plants along with a casino (not much of the gambling types so we floated on by).  Went through the "big chamber" at the New Cumberland Lock(usually used for barge and commercial traffic).  Home for the night is Holiday Yacht Club.  Again greeted by very helpful friendly hosts.  A very nice protected harbor with an absolutely gorgeous stone A frame home at the top of the hill that used to be part of the boat club.  Took a bike ride through Chester West Virginia (nothing to thrilling to see) before returning to the boat to fix dinner. Erik made some amazing ribeyes with baked potatoes. Another wonderful end to a very blessed day!

The bunnies on the walking/biking trail along the riverfront are incredibly uses to people.  They let you get within a few feet of them.
Sunset panoramic from the boat clubhouse.  A
Another sunset pic

Ryland marina
One of 4 or 5 stearnwheelers in the protected cove of Rayland Marina where we stopped for fuel
Some cool history about Wellsburg.  It's hard to tell, but the tree behind this sign is enormous and over 200 yrs old
You've got to kept them happy! ;-)

Wellsburg WV
Old history log home in downtown Wellsburg
Welcome to Wellsville sign taken for air friend, Patty.  We actually thought we were there when we were in Wellsburg early this day.....oops.....wrong town.
Preparing to enter the channel to the cove of Holiday Yacht Club in Chester WV
View upriver from a scenic lookout in Chester WV
Aquaholic at her home against the wall at Holiday Yacht Club.  The only negative about this stopover was the excessive goose poop!  I declare open hunting season on Canadian Geese!  
Sitting in the lay chairs on the bow

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

6/28/2016 Tuesday, day 3 of our adventure!

Left New Martinsville in the morning and started the day going through Hannibal Lock.  We traveled a little ways then stopped and fixed breakfast. Bacon, eggs, and toast, yum! Thanks Bev for the fresh eggs!  Stopped to check out Moundsville. Moundsville was not very interesting, or we didn't find the right part of town.  Did some bike riding then back on the boat for a few more hours and ended up in Wheeling. Biked and walked downtown Wheeling, got situated at Wheeling Yacht Club, our home port for the night. Dinner was Mexican leftovers.  This area of the river has a lot of industry, so we saw lots of barges and towboats today. What a blessed life we have!

Beautiful view of mountains
Downtown Wheeling, Riverfront park
Erik at Riverfront park, Wheeling, WV
Erik at Riverfront park
Our flybridge(upstairs) telescoping monoculars, matching one at lower helm. Thanks Devin and Mark!
More beautiful mountains
View of Aquaholic at the Wheeling riverfront 
Cool historic row houses (Wheeling)+
FBI dive team practicing nearby

Monday, June 27, 2016

6/27/2016 Monday - day 2 up the Ohio

Day two of our cruise to Pittsburg was wonderful! We love small town America and we experienced some shining examples of it today! Left Marietta Boat Club (thanks for the hospitality) and headed up river to St Mary's where we found a candy shop to enjoy a carmel and chocolate covered pretzel stick. Wandered around and looked at some wonderful old homes. Notice in the pic with the train car that they still have a pay phone.....haha, haven't seen one of those in while! Continued upriver to our next stop, Sistersville. Another quaint town with tons of history. More great homes, the longest running ferry on the river, AND I finally found a DQ to agree to do both crunch coat and dip in chocolate....yum! Back aboard we moved up river again to our current location at New Martinsville. Docked at a brand new free city dock and after a good Ole Ohio River bath we wandered up into town and had an excellent Mexican dinner (highly recommend Dos Hermanos). Walked off full bellies looking at more great history and now back down to the boat to sit in our zero gravity chairs and enjoy a wonderful sunset. God is good!

Leaving Marietta
Looking up the Ohio River
First Ohio River lock. Willow Island
Tied to a floating Ballard in the lock

Aquaholic at the park at St Marys
Historic Creel house(brick house in center)
Creel house

Candy shop in St Marys
St Marys
St Marys Marina/park
St Marys Marina/park
DQ at sistersville
Oldest operating ferry on the Ohio river
Amazing sunsets at New Martinsville

sunset at New Martinsville free dock

6/26/2016 Sundays travels -day one

Home to Marietta
55 miles traveled
7 locks

Day one of Summer vacation trip was wonderful!   We cast off from home at high noon on the hot and sunny day.  We had a relaxing cruise down the Muskingum.  Renee is so proud that I am finally starting to realize we no longer own a runabout boat that's intended to zip around on the water.  The leisurley10mph pace was just enough to keep the air moving to cool things off.  

There was still quite a bit of floaties coming down the river with us (remnants from the heavy rain and high water levels of late last week), but not to bad.  We reached a milestone in our Muskingum River Waterway travels when we successfully navigated Luke Chute without any of the usual disturbing noises we've grown so accustomed to  (props hitting rock)! Yay :-)     The recon tubing trip through the channel last week paid off. 

Further down the river we had two bald eagle encounters; always exilerating to see these beautiful birds.   One day I hope to have one of those fancy cameras with the 4ft long lenses and quick enough hands to get a great picture of one.  If nothing else, I'll look cool holding the camera.  

After settling in at the Marietta Boat Club at about 7:30pm, we grilled out some beans and burgers to satisfy our grumbling tummies.   We were both pretty tired, but not so much as to not have our ritualistic nightly cup of coffee on the aft deck.   Capped off day one by hooking up the laptop to the TV and watching the first half hour of a DVD movie we brought along.....maybe by about night 6 we will have enough energy to watch the rest :-)    River life is rough....aha....I think we're up for the challenge though!  

Later this morning, bring on the Mighty Ohio!  But....not till after we make up some blueberry hotcackes; gotta go heat the griddle!

Captain Erik in one of the Muskingum locks
Nearing the Beverly power plant
Mighty captain!
First lock of the trip, Rokeby

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

First Post

I have created this blog as way of sharing and keeping track of our adventures aboard "Aquaholic".  Here you will find descriptions of travels, pictures, and some details that may or may not interest you.  Keep posted as I learn my way around this blog.  We are planning to leave Sunday June 26 on a trip to Pittsburgh.  So we are preparing the boat for the journey.